About Us

Countryside Garden Club members seek to grow in our knowledge of nature, horticulture, and science. We put forth purposeful effort in impacting our community and the community at large to enhance the connection of nature amongst us while being open to learning and teaching the wonders and joys of gardening. Our meetings are deliberately planned to be diverse in horticultural design, landscaping, education, outreach, local and global sustainability, the benefits of recycling and reusing and being wanderers within and outside of our local space to embrace tours that allow us to learn and engage in the viewpoints of others interested in gardening and nature.

We were organized in 1961 and are members of Delaware Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. and National Garden Clubs, Inc. Our club resides and functions within the Central Atlantic Region of State Garden Clubs, Inc.

Our club flower is the Native Dogwood; Cornus florida

We thank you for visiting our website and hope what you encounter on this visit inspires, challenges, and brings more joy to your interest in gardening and the wonders of what nature has to offer. May you intentionally bring that knowledge into your own private spaces, be they big or small.

Happy Gardening!

This WordPress.com site is the home of the Countryside Garden Club.